

IT Infrastructure

Business Resiliency

Your business is being threatened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all year around. Bad actors and other threats are constantly working to gain access to what they value most … your data. They target your business for different reasons which can range from extortion to corporate espionage and more.  

Know your infrastructure environment and the threats it faces. Understand the different threats and how to best prevent them from impacting your business. Strategize to obtain the most value from your Infrastructure and Cybersecurity investment.

Even the most advanced businesses can suffer from an outage. You invest time, money, and expertise into preventing threats to your business but … how much have you invested in recovering from an outage due to these threats? In an ideal scenario, we simply need to prevent the threats from materializing but we all know, that we can never hit 100%. There will always be a chance that threat will negatively impact your business.

We can help you with:

  • Cloud Security Assessment

  • Network and Firewall Security Assessment

  • Security Awareness Training

  • Incident Response Review
  • Cloud Architecture Assessment

  • Network Architecture Assessment

  • IT Framework Alignment (PCI, NIST, ISO)
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan Review

  • Business / IT Risk Assessment